Medium Roasts – Single Origin


Medium roasted, light bodied, mellow and sweet.

China ManLao

The particular strain of caffeaarabica cultivated is pest-resistant and characterized by small pellet-size and intense aromatic flavor.ManLao River plantation uses only 100% natural mountain spring water from tributaries of the ManLao River. The famously homogenous product is distinguished by its purity and untainted flavor.


Medium roasted, full bodied, rich in flavor, smooth.

Costa Rican

Medium roasted, full bodied, rich and flavorful.

El Salvadorian
India Malabar Gold
Jamaican Blue Mountain

Medium roasted, light bodied, mellow, nutty.

New Guinea

Medium roasted, medium bodied, mellow, and aromatic.

Houseblend Light

Our most popular light roast. An unique blend of Colombian, Mexican, Costa Rican and Sumatra beans, full bodied.

Mocha Java

Historically known as the world’s first coffee blend, medium roasted, light bodied, mild and smooth.

Viennese Blend

Medium to dark roasted, full bodied , for coffee lovers who like the taste of French Roast but not so intense.

Breakfast Blend

Blend of Central & South American beans, medium roasted, medium bodied, aromatic, pleasant way to start off the day.